Whenever I started to feel that I'm losing my grip, there will be something that reaffirm my values and beliefs. I need to admit that as a healthcare professional, we need to be emotionally strong and learn to empathize others. Enablement and empowerment are the key things that we should ultimately pass on to our patients. I always feel that I've not been doing enough for my patients and my passion in my work was shaken by certain events happened. Yesterday, my patient wrote a card for me.
"I wan to tell you "Thank You"
But it doesn't seem enough.
Words don't seem sufficient.
I appreciate your kindness
more than words can say.
You're special because
you seemed to always make my day
with your cheerfulness and laughter.
Really appreicate everything you had done.
Words can say so little when someone had done so much."
This message may mean nothing to others, but it means a lot to me. It rekindles my passion as a therapist, reaffirms my beliefs in my care. To me, a patient is not just a patient, but also a mentor in my life experience.