I guess tmr itself is a very impt day for you and me...
You will be embarking into the new chapter of your life as work commences...
our relationship will also be moving into another phase as well...
to be honest to you...
i am a bit fearful of how things will progress in the future...
I'm fearful of more and more upcoming squabbles as more stress from work set in for both of us...
I know that your working hours are a bit irregular and unexpected...
i will learn to accommodate with it... but please give me some time..
there are a lot of things i need to learn...
i need to learn to get use to the fact that you cant always be there physically for me like you were in the past...
i promise i will let you know if there is any trouble...
I promise i will stay strong and be less wilful and stubborn...
I will keep myself healthy and less tension headache with me...
BUT... dar can you also promise me something...
please dont bottle up ur unhappiness if there is anyway...
remember we are always juz a line away or even diagonally across a long long street...
i believe that we will be fine between both of us if we are willing to work things out
from Dear...