2007, a year of unexpected, and emotional struggle
A lot of things have happened, and most caught me off guard..
2007 is a year which I felt lost and hoping to holding onto anything that come
A year which I realised that hard work and effort do not lead to recognition
A year which I felt the ideal is only a delusion
A year which I experienced a lot of emotional struggle and lost of directions...
A year which I do not what I really want in fact
All the things that happened had made me grow in a way...
Yes.. I can say that I'm braver and mature than previous...
but trying to perserve the child-like nature...
I know what I want now in terms of relationship...
I'm still looking forward to it... but just let the nature take its course...
What will come will definitely come
I have a clearer idea of what I hope to achieve in my work and study
and I believe that I will strive towards it...
I know it's hard to do well in both when I only have time for only 1...
But things will work out by its own..,
and I know that I will have utmost support from my friends...
2008 will be a better year for me...
Though I have nothing much to achieve
but definitely a better sense of direction to follow...
People I'm glad to have you around during my low times...
but I hope that you will be around during my high times...
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